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All of the latest news and blogs from Zorba Foods

Ewa Nicholls

28th September 2021 | People

Not many people would openly admit to liking the Welsh weather, but this is just one of the many reasons why our Factory Technical Manager Ewa Nicholls is a perfect fit for Zorba Foods.

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Meet Anjali

19th August 2021 | People

It may still be early days in her career, but Anjali Kembhavi, who already has two Masters degrees to her name at the age of 25, is wholly focused on mastering her role in New Product Development.

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Zorba People – Natasha

1st July 2021 | People

Zorba Foods' Twilight Manager Natasha Cole and her husband Chris are literally like ships that pass in the night, but that also gives them the perfect work-life balance.

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Zorba People – Maria

4th March 2021 | People

As a teenager, inspired by her love for New York through the films she watched in her youth, Maria Saunders had dreams of working as an accountant on Wall Street.

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Meet our Chef, Mathew!

12th February 2021 | People

Whether it’s cooking for the Queen or making dips, sauces and soups for the UK’s largest supermarkets, universities and restaurants, Matthew Williams has ‘constructed’ quite a career for himself.

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