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Thailand Day

5th Dec 2021 | Food

Thailand Day

Everyone has their food favourites so setting out to establish what is the world’s most delicious cuisine might seem like mission impossible.

After all, whilst one person’s idea of ecstasy might be an Italian pasta, another will be enraptured at the thought of Mexican chilli.

It all makes for good debate round the dinner table, however the respected international news channel CNN decided to go one step further.

And after quizzing thousands of food writers across the globe they came up with a definitive answer. Thailand had more dishes in the top 50 than any other country including at number one, Kaeng Matsaman, a curry of stewed beef containing a host of roasted spices.

And with December 5 being the national day of Thailand, we thought we’d delve a little deeper into the history of this fascinating country.

Its name translates as “Land of the Free” – the only country in South-East Asia never to be colonised by a European nation.

The capital, Bangkok, is officially the world’s hottest city. Whilst some desert cities might record higher temperatures, they tend to get a lot cooler at night or winter, whereas Bangkok is hot all day, every day.

Despite that, driving with no shirt in Thailand is illegal.

Bangkok is also home to Wat Traimit which at 15-foot-tall is the world’s largest solid gold statue of Buddha. It should be pretty safe from thieves as it weighs 5.5tonnes.

And here’s a bright idea, the national flag of five horizontal stripes in the colours of red, white, blue, white, and red is symmetrical so it can never be hung upside down.

Formerly known as the Kingdom of Siam, the country gave its name to a distinctive breed of cat that originated there. Giving a pair of Siamese cats to a bride on her wedding day is considered good luck.

But back to food, and as well as curries, Thai cuisine is also famous for its soups one of which also made the CNN world top ten.

Here at the Real Soup Company, we pride ourselves on bringing the best of world cuisine to your table so naturally we have a Thai dish. Our Thai chicken soup is a delicious blend of creamed coconut, lemon grass and red chilli and a winner at the prestigious Quality Food Awards.

So, whether you’re in the hottest country in the world or one where winter is just extending its icy grip, our Thai chicken soup is guaranteed to go down well.